Sunday, December 12, 2010

On the Scent by Curious | London

Dear LAS Students,

Please watch the the following excerpts from's research into scent and memory, interviews with Londoners and the resulting excerpt from a performance entitled, On the Scent, written and performed by Leslie Hill, Helen Paris and Lois Weaver. Being conscious of scent is another avenue to experience the city. Consider as you encounter London, those scents that are familiar, unfamiliar and document what memories and feelings the smells elicit for you. This will be an ongoing journal project whilst we are in London.

Essences of London

On the Scent - Homesick

On the Scent | a 5 minute excerpt from a live performance of On the Scent written and performed by Leslie Hill, Helen Paris and Lois Weaver.

More Curious artwork |

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